Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Not everyday can be a good day I guess.  These past few days have been a little harder than some. Nothing happened or changed, sometimes the reality of it all just hits us. I still have tons of hope and trust in the Lord but some days what I really need to do is cry and it be ok. 
Chris and I watched a video today on "tears and hope".  I am asking each of you to please, please watch the video on this website: http://www.tearsandhope.com/. When you go to the website please just click to watch the empty arms video. Again thanks to all those praying, we deeply appreciate it.

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer" Romans 12:12


  1. u r a wonderful person and the greatest friend anyone could ask for. As u have trold me over and over - God gives us the answers we need and deserve in HIS time. I love you so much and pray for you and Chris everyday that HE will answer ur prayers soon, but also when HE is ready.

    1. Thank you Dawnyel. I value prayer more than most anything right now, please keep praying.

  2. I watched the video and my heart hurt. When we tried for Lucy, we started Jan 1 and found out I was pregnant Feb 18th. Now at this point in our lives, Bob wants to have another baby and I want to wait. I sit here and cry in the fact that I probably can have more children and I don't want to right now. Here you all are desperately asking for this amazing gift and can't. I have said some of those things on the video, like "your still young". That video gave me a much better understanding of how you all are feeling.
    I told myself a few months ago that I was going to let God have control over my life and I was going to stop trying to change his plan for me. I still struggle with it every day but am so grateful for the good that has come from doing it. Your were put here for a reason Amy and God does have plans for you. Continue to listen to your heart. Prayers your way.

    1. I am so glad you wrote this...I wish everybody I knew could watch that video, I wish I could carry it around with me so I don't have to speak about it, I could just show them that and they would understand. Thank you so much for taking the time to watch it. I have told God I'm totally in his hands I'm willing to do whatever and I just need to hear his still small voice.Im so happy for you in your relationship with God...if it wasnt for mine, really not sure who I would be at this point. I appreciate your prayers so so much, please keep praying.
