Wednesday, March 7, 2012

All Good News So Far!

Well, I went to Cincinnati today (my mother-in-law accompanied me) and my Ovaries are finally back to a normal size and looking good so that means I can proceed with the IUI this month.  Our next appointment is next Thurs where they will check me again and tell me the exact day to give myself a shot and when to come back in for the procedure, which will probably be that Monday 3/19.  I have been told it is rare implantation occurs on the first try but the good thing is, I serve a mighty God and I believe if it is his will he can make it happen! So for now that is our prayer. Thank you is not a big enough word to explain our appreciation for all your prayers!

"As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the maker of all things." Ecclesiastes 11:5


  1. Wonderful news. I am hoping and praying for the best.
    love u

  2. Your so right Amy, its in Gods hands now. He knows your whole life story and just when we think we should take the reigns, He reminds us that they are His reigns. There is no need to remind you to keep tge faith bc its obvious you do! Good Luck....sending happy thoughts and prayers.

  3. Such great news, and you are so right, we do serve a mighty God that is carrying you and Chris through this and it is my prayer He continues to do just that! Lots and lots of prayers being lifted for the days and weeks ahead and God's favor, love you!
